Lake Breeze Storage is affiliated with Lake Breeze Resort and Terrace.
This is an additional location to the resort to store
boats, trailers, campers and large equipment for a nominal fee.
In 2019, we are in the process of growing with additional
outdoor parking spaces, space numbers, and a security fence and cameras.
The enclosed building is composed of 10 units with barn styles doors. The
outdoor area will be complete with 54 parking slots & numbers, Although
there has never been any crime, we are installing a security access
fence and a few cameras for remote viewing.
Rates are and will remain low. There is a set of 6-months and 12
months prepay annual discounts additionally available.
Directions: Lake Breeze Storage is located in Greenview. From the junction where
Hwy 5 & Hwy 7 split (or join – near old Woods), travel a half a mile north west.
It is on the right side of the road, located behind Share of the Harvest.
Turn right at the Lake Breeze Storage sign and travel down
a long driveway until at the facility.