Lake Breeze Storage Facility

Storage Trailers

Lake Breeze Storage is affiliated with Lake Breeze Resort and Terrace.   
This is an additional location to the resort to store
boats, trailers, campers and large equipment for a nominal fee.   
In 2019, we are in the process of growing with additional 
outdoor parking spaces, space numbers, and a security fence and cameras.   

The enclosed building is composed of 10 units with barn styles doors.  The
outdoor area will be complete with 54 parking slots & numbers, Although
there has never been any crime, we are installing a security access
fence and a few cameras for remote viewing.

Rates are and will remain low.  There is a set of 6-months and 12
months prepay annual discounts additionally available.

Directions:   Lake Breeze Storage is located in Greenview.  From the junction where
Hwy 5 & Hwy 7 split (or join – near old Woods), travel a half a mile north west.
It is on the right side of the road, located behind Share of the Harvest.
Turn right at the Lake Breeze Storage sign and travel down
​a long driveway until at the facility.

Address;  735 N MO-7, Camdenton MO  65020
Mailing Address:  Lake Breeze Resort
91 Breeze Drive, Camdenton MO  65020